Join us as we welcome local designer and illustrator, Evan Verrilli, and enjoy a showing of Evan’s original paintings, drawings, prints and sketchbooks; featuring some hip vinyl spins from Jeremy from the Block and an art market with shoppable goods from Orion Inez, Phoemie, Sidney Cherie Studio, and Alison Callahan.
Statement from the artist:
Cars go fast all around town. Some are red, orange, blue or brown. They zoom by, then drive too slow—leaving me feeling, well, you know. I drew ‘em, painted ‘em, re-drew ‘em; made some other stuff. From canvas to constructions, I put all my feelings into Evan’s Body Shop. The feelings come through with different ways of painting: airbrush, spray paint, brushwork, drawings. Every angle, every curve, all in nice colorful boxes on messy surfaces. We’re learning, we’re growing—give it time. Walk around, take it in, take a toy car, tell me what you think (be nice, or not), and have a jolly time!